This time of the year, with the deadline typically set in the first days of May, is the time for the annual Tax Review and self accounting of income and business outcome. Getting no exception, I have to review my firm’s financial statments of last year, close the books and account both my personal and business results. The verdict is clear: Last year was a disaster for my music business in terms of income and sales.
But I’m not brooding too much over this. Last year was productive from a writing viewpoint, and it’s been long since I had so much time to do focused and developing practising – though I long for playing live again.
I’m currently arranging the Gershwin brother’s “A Foggy Day” for Big Band and a male vocalist, and this far into the process I feel like it’s coming out to be a fun and interesting version of that song – I hope that others will see the same.
I wish all of you visiting here to stay unharmed from this blasted virus, and that we can come to terms with it and its consequences soon – very soon.