In the Month of Maying

As it is said in the Renaissance ballet: Now is the month of maying! The time when Spring matures into adolescence while the world is still light green, leaves and straw still look newborn, and the ferns have those small, curled chameleon-tail rolls slowly unfolding into a waist-high foliage. The old Swedish verb “maja” actually means to decorate or adorn something with leaves or greenery, and this is surely true of the month of May – the world gets dressed in greenery. I wish you all visiting here a really nice month of May, and that your summer (or winter depending on where you are, of course!) will be rewarding and relaxing.

Aside from the regular work of performing and conducting, I have also begun composing a new piece for big band, and the completed chart will of course be published here. A movement in a four-part suite about the annual seasons for big band a a female vocalist, this new piece will concern the days immediately after New Year’s eve, when the new year seems fresh and empty of content, and the view of the oncoming year still is unclouded and filled with – sometimes vague and half conscious – hopes, wishes and expectations.

As every year, there will be a Summer Sale. The discounts will be 25% off on all arrangments, and 30% off on all compositions. For what you will get in music and playing for your band, there will between June 1st and August 31st be great prices on great charts. Music that will truly get your band playing and the attention of audiences!

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