New composition in the shop

The 3/4 meter is – to me – a tricky division for composing. In higher tempi the meter can feel cramped and confining, and the bars go by so quick that it takes much concentration and focus to get a grip on the overarching form and timespans. In lower tempi, it can be suggestive and expressive and be so captivating that it gets hard to restrain all the ideas that spawn from it’s seemingly simple, but enticing, three beats per bar. I have not done very much composing in 3/4, though that which I have written mainly is in lower tempi, or as tag-bars to smooth out lyrics or phrases.

Therefore it is with some satisfaction I now announce that my latest composition is a medium jazz waltz for a female vocalist, with Swedish lyrics, titled “Strax Efter Nyår” (translated “Shortly After New Year’s Eve”), and that it from today is available in the web shop. I have since long had a plan to compose a four movement suite about the annual seasons, depicting them more from a psychological and emotional viewpoint, rather than a programmatical descripitve, and some years ago I composed two pieces intended to be the second and third movement in that suite, but did not then label them so. Now when this new piece, which is the first movement, is published, I will label them appropriately and as originally intended. When finished, the suite will consist of the following pieces:

  • Movement 1 Winter: “Strax Efter Nyår” (“Shortly After New Year’s Eve”)
  • Movement 2 Spring: “Midnatt På Landet” (Midnight at the Country House”)
  • Movement 3 Summer: “Den Första Juni” (The First of June”)
    and the fourth, which is not yet composed:
  • Movement 4 Autumn: “Regn Klockan Åtta På Morgonen” (Rain at Eight o’clock in the Morning”)

Because the Summer Sale is on until August the 31st, this new composition is published at a discount. Take the opportunity to buy great – fun, interesting, fantastic sounding, stimulating, fresh, groovy, innovative, and so much more positive – Big Band charts at nice prices. The sale means a discount of 30% off on all compositions, and 25% on all arrangments. Jump on it to give your band an invigorating addition to its repertoire for the autumn rehearsals; to give your vocalist(s) something new to phrase and interpret and your rhythm section some new grooves to swing! The genres, the meters, the grooves, the lyrics, the compositions and arrangements found here have a hard matched span of diversity, so there is something for everyone. Remember: Now, payments are made through credit card, a digital wallet, or – from Sweden and Norway – with Swish and Vipps!

I wish all of you visiting here a really nice and happy August!

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